taco catering servicesLarge, expensive weddings aren’t for everyone. In fact, casual weddings can be some of the most intimate and heartwarming events out there; good food, good family, and good times are all you really need for a celebration of your love. But just because you’re planning on having your wedding be a casual get-together doesn’t mean you can skip planning entirely. Here are the essentials you need to have settled before the big day, even if your big day is just in your backyard.

The Venue

Casual weddings can be incredibly enjoyable, but no matter how casual you want your wedding to be, you’ll need a place to have your wedding happen. Whether it’s just in your backyard, the local park, or at a family member’s house, you’ll need to plan well in advance for this. That way, your guests and any other services you schedule for your wedding will know where to go.

The Guest List

The average number of wedding guests is 165, but that doesn’t mean you have to adhere to this, especially if you’re looking for a more casual affair. Be sure to plan ahead, however. The number of people at your wedding will determine just how much you need to plan for with everything else, from food to space available and more. Make sure you set up your guest list early, whether you’re inviting all your friends or just close family.

The Catering

Even if you’re going to only have a handful of friends and family members at your casual wedding, you won’t be able to manage all the cooking on your own. A catering service will help you feed everyone for your wedding without stress for you.

Not all catering services have to be fancy; if you’re looking for casual catering suitable for your wedding, see if you can find caterers that will do more casual meals. There are plenty of sandwich, family style, and even taco catering services available for more casual events. Imagine how fun would a taco bar be at your wedding; your family and friends will be talking about the event catering for months to come.

Looking for taco catering services for your casual wedding? Contact Top Flight Tacos to see what catering options are available for your event today.