Fact: Americans will eat over 4 billion tacos each year. So clearly, tacos are the perfect meal for any occasion, and what could be better on a Tuesday night than tacos paired with the perfect wine?

When it comes to your taco pairing with wine, you can’t just throw back any old glass of Merlot and call it a day. You have to consider what is on the inside of the taco to figure out what wine would be the perfect to match with the delicious meal. Let’s take a look at a few examples of the Mexican food that goes perfectly with different types of wine.

Beef Brisket Tacos
The seasoning, the spices, the slow-cooked meat — everything about a beef brisket taco is extremely mouthwatering. When you’re dealing with this type of taco, there is a specific type of wine that is an absolute must. For the perfect wine and taco pairings for this type of taco, you need a nice and hearty red wine. Something like a Shiraz is perfect because it has a strong and bold berry flavor, so it’s perfect to complement the slow-cooked meat.

Pork and Carnitas Tacos
The savory meats, the creamy cheeses, and the soft or hard shell make for a delicious Taco Tuesday option. You can choose from either of the meats, so when hosting a taco party with a taco bar, everyone will be able to find something that they truly enjoy. The perfect wine for pork or carnitas taco pairings is a nice Pinot Noir. A Pinot Noir has a bold cherry flavor with a hint of spice that is ideal for anyone looking to accentuate the flavors of the meat.

Grilled Chicken Tacos
For someone looking for a taco that is a little more on the lighter side, you might opt into a grilled chicken taco. Grilled chicken tacos don’t include as much fat as other meats, but still include a ton of flavor. The perfect wine to pair with the grilled chicken is any white, fruity wine. The fruit flavor will really complement the chicken and will give you a taste of sweet and sour.

For those looking for the best wine to pair with their taco selection, there are many different choices. Many wines go better with specific tacos, so keep the above list in mind when choosing your drink.